The Arlington Antique Market seems like a combination of an antique market, a flea market, and a craft sale. Professionals might be disappointed with its small size and random offerings. But if you want to find treasure, don't go where everyone else is going. And if you want to meet some interesting, colorful characters who will take time to talk with you, don't go where the masses go.
Among other stuff, Jeremy offers some cool old cameras. He told me he specializes in "cool-lectibles". I asked him if he had any old telephones. He said he thinks he has a home phone from the 1950s, as well as an on-the-back WWII GI radio telephone with a tall antenna. But he said that he hasn't seen these pieces for awhile and that he doesn't really know what he has. He said that when he cleans out his car or a room he finds old stuff that he forgot he had. I think this means that Jeremy offers the real deal, personally certified collectibles.
Eric the Watch Guy offers a sizable collection of vintage watches. "Best prices" is his motto, he said. But he hasn't been able to generate a study income from selling old watches, so he's gotten an M-F job to help pay his utilities and rent. He also is now offering collectibles other than watches -- all kinds of old and unique stuff. Who needs a large flea market? You could spend an enjoyable hour just looking over all the different stuff that Eric the Watch Guy is selling. But if you just look, you won't be helping him to pay his rent.
The Arlington Antique Market is on N. Veitch St. and 15th St, near the Courthouse metro. It runs year-round on Saturday, 9am-4pm, and Sunday, 8am-5pm. If you go on Saturday from 9am-noon, you can also enjoy the excellent Arlington Farmers Market right nearby.
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