Wednesday, June 11, 2008

RAFOM annual meeting draws large, informed group

The RAFOM annual meeting at the Top of the Town this evening brought together many persons actively working to make the neighborhood a better place. Civic association leaders engaged in the review of various development projects occurring around Rosslyn spoke about the plans and issues of building density, affordable housing, and community benefits. Police and fire officials working to make the neighborhood safer were at the meeting, as were Arlington County Board officials, including Chairman Walter Tejada. Congressman Jim Moran gave a lively, unscripted presentation in which he spoke passionately about the need for fiscal responsibility and on the importance of welcoming immigrants to the U.S.

Additional news coverage: this evening I discovered that the rear tire on my bicycle had gone flat when I got on it to ride home from work. After changing the tire twice and then patching a tube, I got home and arrived at the meeting just as Mr. Tejada was ending his presentation. Thus I regret that I am unable to report on his presentation. Useful lesson: don't install a new tube on your bike until your check that it doesn't leak.

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