Peyton Palmore, a long-time and much loved Rosslyn resident (and also an enthusiastic reader of the Ode Street Tribune), died on December 28, 2014. He was 87 years old. Here's an obituary for Peyton. You can find many warm memories of Peyton in the memory book (click on the link just above Memories and Candles). Here are two small excerpts:
- You, Peyton Lee, were the greatest benefactor a man could ever have. I recall that day in the summer of 1952 when you (covered with poison ivy!) roared into my life. Remember? You had ridden your motorcycle down from Yale to be a counselor at Camp Wakanda, our Winchester, Virginia, Methodist district youth camp, where I was an 18-year-old junior counselor.Your love of Japan was palpable—and contagious.
- Paru-san (Peyton's Japanese name) was a kind, thoughtful, and generous man. Although my family and I only knew him for the last few years of his long life, he made a lasting impact on us. We got to know Paru-san through his volunteer work with our community Japanese language group for children. Paru-san read traditional Japanese stories to the kids and regaled them with tales of life in old Japan. He remembered all the lullabies and fairy tales from his time as a child there. His knowledge of Japan was encyclopedic and his Japanese language perfect.
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