Sunday, November 9, 2008

airplane noise

Airplane noise has troubled some Rosslyn residents. For security reasons, airplanes take off from Reagan National Airport using full thrust. When planes head north along the Potomac, they can create a noise problem in Rosslyn.

Older planes have been outfitted with hush-kits to suppress noise. Because hush-kits have not sufficiently reduced noise, hush-kitted planes are no longer permitted to take off and land in National.

Airplane noise monitoring stations have been set up around National, including at least one in Rosslyn. You can complain about airplane noise by calling the Noise Complaint Telephone Center at National. The number is 703-417-8020. As Congressman Jim Moran explained at last month's candidates' debate, the noise monitoring equipment will allow the noise associated with your complaint to be measured and attributed to a specific plane. That's important data for designing better noise abatement policies.

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