Participants discussed the needs of the different buildings that make up the Westmoreland property. Building 1301 receives extensive sunshine and has relatively good landscaping, while 1320 and 1322 suffer from shady conditions. In view of these conditions, some planting funds will be shifted from 1301 to 1320 and 1322. Resident landscape expert Michelle expressed concern that the planting proposals for 1320 and 1322 are too heavily weighted toward green bushes and lack sufficient range and contrast in color. The planting proposal will be reviewed in light of this concern. Michelle also expressed concern that poor quality, dry soil is not suitable for hydrangeas, which prefer moist soil. Proper soil preparation and bedding should address this problem.
Dogs pissing has caused damage to flowers and bushes on the property. Residents are urged to encourage their pets to piss on curbs, sturdy trees, or open ground. Properly directing dog piss will help to preserve the value of Westmoreland investments in bushes and flowers. Tasteful signs will be installed regarding dogs pissing.
Other matters discussed:
- Board Member Valerie Corda has sold her unit and moved to a house. Any owner interested in taking up Valerie's vacant Board position should contact Board President Jose Calvo.
- Laundry room floor tiles will be replaced as part of general maintenance and repair. Interior touch-up painting in entryways, including ceilings, are part of the ongoing maintenance program.
- Some residents are having problems with read errors on laundry pay cards. Residents having problems with the laundry machine pay system should contact the laundry company at the contact number listed over the machines. The company has been responsive to residents' problems.
Regularly scheduled Board meetings occur on the last Monday of the month, not the fourth Monday of the month. The next regularly scheduled Board meeting is Oct. 31, 7pm, in the onsite management office.
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