Saturday, October 8, 2011

labor strife suspends Tribune

After a five-hour meeting among with the directors, the managing editor, the chief of staff, and all the department editors and sub-editors, the publisher ordered the Ode Street Tribune's management consultant to draft a reprimand statement.  The Tribune's reporter is to be reprimanded for a lack of balance in the stories he filed over the past week. Via a regrettable leak, the reporter evidently learned of the forthcoming reprimand.  He stormed out of the Tribune's headquarters late Friday afternoon after hollering, "You [expletive deleted] suits have no [expletive deleted] idea about [expletive deleted] real news!"

While the Tribune requires its reporter to work on weekends, his whereabouts are not currently known. A sub-editor has a promising lead on where the reporter will be this weekend, but unfortunately lacks staff to follow-up on the lead.  Meanwhile, the Tribune remains actively seeking journalists.


Anonymous said...

What you describe is nothing surprising since you are within the DC sphere of influence. What you describe is the kind of constructive, cooperative,problem solving activity that the citizens of this country have come to expect from Washington. I am sorry to see that the Ode Street Tribune has become infected. Maybe there is hope that you will recover long before congress does, and get back to the type of online journalism that we have come to expect from the Ode Street Tribune.

Anonymous said...

I agree with anonymous!!