Monday, April 16, 2012

Rosslyn's Arlington Temple helps with difficult conversations

Rosslyn's Arlington Temple United Methodist Church is offering a Sunday series on difficult conversations and the power of words.  The talks, which begin this Sunday, are:
  1. Mordecai and Esther:  Words of Confrontation and Courage (Apr. 22)
  2. Hannah and Eli:  Honest Conversation about Pain and Longing (Apr. 29)
  3. Deborah and Barak:  Hard Conversation about Consequences (May 6)
  4. Ruth and Naomi:  Conversations of Compassion and Friendship (May 13)
None of these talks directly addresses how to deal with oppressive managers, supervisors, and editors ^& journos.  Sometimes words just aren't enough. How about a talk next year offering Jael's tips for driving tent stakes?

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