Monday, July 22, 2013

spy camera installed next to Rt. 50 & pedestrian overpass

A new spy camera has been installed on the north side of Rt. 50 next to the Westmoreland Pedestrian Overpass (across the street from Rosslyn's Iwo Jima Best Western).  The surveillance apparatus is much more modern than one that a local investigative journalist found in downtown Rosslyn

Show some neighborly Rosslyn spirit and wave to the camera as you pass by.


Anna Schafer said...

Target has the latest digital cameras, camcorders, video cameras and photography accessories from top brands including Nikon, Canon, Sony & more.slr digital camera

albina N muro said...

The idea of using a digital camera for "scanning," BTW, precedes DSLR's. But with ... It's a dedicated 20 mpx film scanner that doesn't crop. Camera Store