Saturday, September 21, 2013

new children's playground to open Wednesday

The magnificent, new Fort Myer Heights Park children's playground will open this coming Wednesday, according to an informal source that the Ode Street Tribune deems reliable.  A Tribune investigation, however, has revealed evidence that children are already enjoying the playground.  This exclusive news comes through careful analysis of the children's sand pit.  A digitally enhanced image of the sand pit shows what the Tribune believes to be children's footprints.
The main gate for the playground is currently securely locked.  However, the Tribune's investigation has revealed other means of entering the park.  With the attraction of magnificent play equipment, children are clever enough to figure out some way to enter the playground. There is no signage about the park to direct draconian parents to punish their children for playing in the playground.  While some minor equipment remains in the area of the playground, it seems to present no serious hazard to supervised children.  The Tribune thus strongly opposes any punishment for children and parents playing in the playground prior to its official opening.


Unknown said...

We can't wait for the playground to open...but I think you've jumped the start. I'm Susan Kalish with Arlington County's Parks and Recreation Department. We still have some plants to plant and then we need to go over our safety check list....and then we can open the playground. We hope to do this in three or so weeks. I'll let you know when we have a firm date!

Unknown said...

A playground is exciting children. We all knows that kids love playing outdoor more than sitting in playpen. Often being active helps children grow up better. Have a place like this, awesome!