Monday, August 11, 2014

journalist refuses to work on St. Clare's Day

The Ode Street Tribune's journalist has informed management that today is St. Clare's Day.  The journalist stated that he cannot work on St. Clare's Day.  Therefore no Tribune will be published today.


Anonymous said...

That is ridiculous. I say fire them. The management of the OST need get a little more backbone.

Douglas Galbi said...

Management would like to fire the journalist, but unfortunately the Ode Street Tribune job posting hasn't attracted sufficiently high-quality applicants.

Anonymous said...

I suggest the OST gets its act together. For example, take this recent scoop in the heart of the OST's turf in Arlington Now:

This investigative photo from Rosslyn is shot across the OST's bow: restore your hard-hitting coverage or lose all credibility

Douglas Galbi said...

Thanks for the tip. It generated the front-page story in the Tribune today.