Wednesday, March 17, 2010

eve of St. Patrick

Patrick sweet, and Patrick fair,
Hither, hither, now repair;
Bonny Patrick, let me see
The lass who is to marry me.
Yesterday night, the eve of St. Patrick's Day, the snowed out Clarendon Mardi Gras parade prevailed as a St. Patrick's eve parade.  The parade was a funky mix of bicycles, Irish green, drag queens, random floats, a mini race-car, and Bolivian folk dancing.  Lots of photos at the new ARLnow.

At the tail end of a bike ride in the beautiful weather, I spotted the Whitlow's on Wilson St. Patrick's Day trailer back out on the street.  The festive crowd in the trailer was throwing beads to bystanders and to cyclists.  On my ride, I seemed to get a lot of green lights.  Traffic lights must be programmed to salute St. Patrick's Day.  So if you're driving somewhere tonight, drive slowly and count on getting green lights.

[video included in post]

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