Saturday, July 24, 2010

fun's gone, doggone

It's bad enough wearing a fur coat these days.  Dogs around the 'hood must be feeling way down about not being able to chase balls in Ft. Myer Heights Park.  The rules governing Ft. Myer Heights Park and all other Arlington parks are reasonable and understandable.  Dogs must be on a leash and under control of the owner at all times.  Still, the rules do spoil some good, clean fun.

The nearest dog park for off-leash exercise is the Herndon & 13th Street Park  in ClarendonArlington Dogs has a nice list of all local dog parks as well as a lot of other resources for persons with dogs.

1 comment:

Corrie said...

lame. We never really ran our dogs there, but I never had a problem with others doing so- as long as they pick up the poop... ;)
