Saturday, January 19, 2013

eat better than an emperor

The Ode Street Tribune strongly supports vegetables and the Rosslyn Safeway.  But the Tribune is no ideological rag.  Recently the Tribune's journalist traveled abroad to Costco in Crystal City and bought some fresh blackberries.  For a mere $3.99 he got an 18 ounce container of Alpine Fresh blackberries grown in Mexico.  Alert neighborhood residents will recognize that's more blackberries for less cost than at the famous Rosslyn Safeway.

Emperor Taizong of the seventh-century Chinese Tang Dynasty did not have fresh blackberries in the middle of winter.  Akbar the Great, the sixteenth-century ruler of the Mughal Dynasty in India, did not have fresh blackberries in the middle of winter.  Peter the Great, the seventeenth-century czar of Russia, did not have fresh blackberries in the middle of winter.

The Ode Street Tribune's journalist has fresh blackberries in the middle of winter.  The greatness of the Ode Street Tribune's journalist cannot be doubted.  Get some blackberries, and you too can be great!

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