Saturday, May 25, 2013

bitter controversy rages about Rosslyn bunnies

A vocal faction of extremists claims that cutting down a bush has no significant effect on the overall food and shelter available to Rosslyn bunnies.  Some people have opinions.  Readers of the Ode Street Tribune have facts.

The first photo below show two bunnies happily looking at a large bush with many tasty leaves and flowers.  The second photo below shows what happened to that bush.  The pole provides a reference point for comparing the two photos.  Can there be any doubt that we have some unhappy bunnies in the neighborhood?

Anyone who thinks that these bunnies don't care about that bush being cut down is a complete idiot. A moron even, in a whole family of morons.  I HATE HATE HATE YOU!!!  You probably drive a car to work.  Stop destroying the planet, you heartless BEAST!!!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

I suggest that the Tribune is straying from its usual temperate tone. I say go back to the temperate tone, it convinces more people

Douglas Galbi said...

Eh, scratch a journalist, find a failed novelist. Management will beat him into submission and force him to write industry-standard journalism.

Anonymous said...

Contrary to what is implied by the previous post, there is no "evil" in standards. Standards are what allow people to successfully interact with each other since the "standard" allows one to know what to expect from others. This is really similar in concept to how "standards" allow technical devices to interact. The Ode Street Tribune needs to adopt and follow some "standards" of discourse so that you reader will know what to expect. If the ODT's standards are so loose that they allow the type of rant recently engaged in against "bunny haters", then to ODT will have descended from its normal high perch. (please do not misunderstand me - bunny haters deserve scorn; however, the scorn needs to be delivered in a tactful manner.)

Anonymous said...

More about standards: The management of the OST should demand that the journalists and reporters on the staff of the OST follow standards that would prohibit the type of emotional rant that ends your "bitter controversy" article.

Anonymous said...

this is clearly an example of photoshopped photojournalism. No one, but no one, not even in Rosslyn, would have done such an awful job of pruning as that. It did not happen. The bunnies are fine. OST, stop manufacturing controversy.neato was