An Ode Street Tribune reader suggested that the Ode Street Tribune host a neighborhood discussion space. The comments to this post are open for any discussion about neighborhood issues. A link to this post is permanently fixed on the right side of the main Ode Street Tribune page, under the "News You Can Use" heading.
Many opportunities are available across the Internet to discuss a wide range of issues. Please keep posts here relevant to this geographic neighborhood.
While persons in this neighborhood purchase a variety of products and services, please do not use the comments to promote commercial products. Notes of upcoming neighborhood events are fine.
Many adults engage in griping, axe-grinding, insulting, antagonizing, and misery-spreading. Please make here childish posts with a spirit of play, amazement, fun, and enthusiasm.
Dear Editor,
Having a "Neighborhood Discussion" facility on the Ode Street Tribune is a great idea. However, apparently, you have only halfheartedly taken up on this suggestion from one of your readers. The size of the type for the words "Neighborhood Discussion" is significantly smaller than the size of the the for the other headers on the page. Furthermore, while the other headers are followed by an explanation, the words "Neighborhood Discussion" sit on the page isolated and not followed by any indication of the opportunity provided to readers by clicking on this link. There are no doubt many new readers for each addition of the Ode Street Tribune. I suggest that you increase the type size of this link and that you have an explanation of the purpose of the link following it. Let me conclude by saying that the Ode Street Tribune is a wonderful addition to the world of on line journalism; however, a few refinements would make it even more valuable. This reader is aware of other neighborhoods that are looking at ways of emulating the Ode Street Tribune for their neighborhoods.
What was the big fire last night on Queen or 12th Street? There were fire trucks and police cars for hours. Does anyone know what happened?
I didn't see it. Can't find anything about it on the web.
Why did someone lay down a huge area of fresh cement in the neighborhood-maintained park at the corner of Meade and Arlington Blvd.? Is this a "staging area" for July 4th, the Marathon, and other "big tent" events?
Good question about the cement. It might be related to a new septic pipe being installed. Investigating this cement has been added to the beat journalist's massive list of jobs to do. If you uncover any relevant info, please forward it to the Ode Street Tribune.
A special investigation has revealed that the concrete slab is for a forthcoming bike share station.
Tivoli cafe in Rosslyn (above the Metro station) suddenly closed. This follows the closure of the Tivoli restaurant upstairs four years ago. The reliable Chinese restaurant above the Metro station closed before that, as the new building was in the planning state. There are fewer and fewer options for real (non-buffet) takeout food in Rosslyn.
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