Wednesday, February 1, 2012

celebrating vegetables

Vegetables are not inert, incapacitated foods.  They are each exquisite organic products fully capable of providing satisfaction.  The Ode Street Tribune's new celebrating vegetables series will enlarge your vegetable horizons.

This will not be your average food or cooking feature.  The usual media fare caters to good cooks, complex recipes, and refined tastes.  This series will be about eating vegetables.  In each post of the series, one new vegetable will be prepared in one of two simple ways: raw or cooked.  There will be no recipe.  All you will need is the vegetable.

The vegetables will be fresh, not canned or frozen.  The vegetables may include some that you have never seen, some that you have never eaten, and some ways of eating vegetables that you've never imagined.

Stay tuned for the first post in the celebrating vegetable series!


Anonymous said...

It is worth noting that humans did not get to the top of the food chain by eating vegetables.

Douglas Galbi said...

Good point. However, sooner or later, every human gets eaten by worms. If you eat more vegetables, that's likely to happen later.