Wednesday, March 21, 2012

notice of change in taste

Given Rosslyn residents' exquisite taste, residents may notice a change in the taste of the tap water from March 26 through May 7, 2012.   The disinfectant in the water supply during that period will switch from chloramine to chlorine.  This switch is standard practice:
The annual switch in water disinfection is part of a routine program to clean and maintain water distribution systems in the District of Columbia, Arlington County and Falls Church. During the temporary switch to chlorine, local water authorities will also conduct system-wide flushing to enhance water quality. This program is standard practice for many U.S. water systems that use chloramine during the majority of the year.  
The shape of the drinking glass affects the bouquet of wine.  Experiment with different glasses (swirl the water before sniffing) to see what shape produces the finest water smell.

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