Wednesday, February 2, 2011

water main break gushes anew

Water is gushing forth from a water-main break along the access road to Fort Myers Heights Park near 1322 N. Ft. Myers Dr.  No water is currently flowing across the access road, nor is any streaming out into Ft. Myer Dr. A lot of water is flowing into a drain on the curb of Ft. Myer Dr.  Water can be heard running under the concrete structure in the park, as well as within the drain along the park access road.

Arlington County officials are aware of the situation.  At 7:25pm, before having dinner and filing this report, an Ode Street Tribune notified Arlington Police's non-emergency number, 703 558-2222.

Temperatures tonight are predicted to be in the mid-twenties.  As long as the water continues to flow smoothly into the drains, the water-main break won't create ice on the road.

A 6-inch water-main break occurred at this site this weekend. An Arlington County Public works crew dug a hole roughly seven feet deep and several feet wide to make emergency repairs Sunday night.  Unfortunately, those repairs seem not to have held.  Major-league plumbing is a difficult job. 


Anonymous said...

The number for reporting water main breaks is 703.228.6555 - Arlington County water control center - answered 24 hrs/day.

Anonymous said...

I talked to the guy who was doing the work on sunday night and they could not find the break.