Saturday, October 19, 2013

Rosslyn commuter drives 1964 Spitfire race car

Given Rosslyn's growing reputation for style and fashion, seeing a 1964 Spitfire race car in Rosslyn isn't too surprising.  Commuting to work in this car is less comfortable and more dangerous than riding a bike.  But it does have a certain distinctive style.  If you don't want to bike to work, commuting with a 1964 Spitfire race car is a reasonable alternative.  Just make sure you have enough brake fluid.


Unknown said...

thanks for your post

Grace W Wheeler said...

One of the best things that you can do while going in your car is to think; in like manner commuting driving amid crest movement times and sitting in roads turned parking lots it bodes well to utilize your psyche. Indeed, even play mind recreations. To start with, it will bring your push level under control, and along these lines, it helps your wellbeing.

Justin L. Brown said...

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Peter Floyd said...

There are over a hundred million people in America that commute on a daily basis. Most common commutes include suburb to suburb and suburb to city traveling, with about 30% of Americans commuting 10 miles both ways.more information