Tuesday, April 12, 2011

better trail to Rosslyn along Arlington Blvd

The RAFOM meeting Monday night featured Bill Gearhart, Chairman of the Arlington County Transportation Commission and Ritch Viola, Arlington County Transportation Planning Section Supervisor.  Some notable items from their presentations:
  1. The Arlington Blvd / Courthouse Rd / 10th Street Interchange Project will begin by the end of April and continue for about 30 months.  Some traffic delays and detours around the Arlington Blvd / Courthouse intersection are to be expected.  The project will create a safer, better flowing intersection for inhuman-powered vehicles.  In addition, a trail for pedestrians and human-powered transit will be constructed on the south side of Arlington Blvd., connecting Rolfe St. to Pershing Dr.  The trail will allow persons living east of Rosslyn to travel to Rosslyn more safely and more enjoyably.
  2. The Rosslyn Multimodal Transportation Study is considering possibilities for reducing the number of one-way streets in Rosslyn.  Changing Lynn St. and Ft. Myer Dr. to two-way streets are being considered.
  3. The Skanska construction at 1776 Wilson Blvd will include a new, two-way connecting segment of Quinn St.
  4. A by-right residential apartment building construction at Rolfe St. and 12th St. is currently in plan review.
  5. A proposal has been seen for a new building near Wakefield Manor at the corner of Courthouse Rd. and Fairfax Dr.  A site plan is being developed.
 Here's a video segment from Viola's presentation:

Other items from the meeting:
  1. RAFOM will sponsor applications for trees to the Tree Canopy Fund.  The Fund will supply and install trees for properties that will provide caring homes for the trees.  Contact RAFOM Board Member Steve Campbell for details on applying for trees.
  2. The recent Meade St. Bridge meeting raised issues of immediate interest to the RAFOM neighborhood.  The next meeting will occur in early May.
  3. The Rosslyn Sector Plan update is being prepared and will be presented to the County Board in the next couple of months.
The next RAFOM meeting is on June 15.  That meeting is the annual meeting.  It will occur at the Top of the Town and will feature Arlington County Manager Barbara Donnellan.

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